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참여교수 및 연구

  • 참여교수 및 연구
  • 참여교수 개별소개

참여교수 개별소개

정구보, DVM, Ph.D.
소속 및 직위
소속: 의예과 , 직위: 교수
암당뇨연구원 N512호
해부학, 심근경색, 뇌경색, 중증하지허혈 등의 혈관질환 및 퇴행성뇌질환
  • +82-32-899-6585
  • gbjeong@gachon.ac.kr
  • 82-32-899-6519

학력 및 경력 

서울대학교 수의학 학사, DVM
서울대학교 기초수의학 수의학석사
서울대학교 해부학 의학박사







 줄기세포, 면역세포, 세포외소체, 나노과립, 신혈관형성, 조직재생, 진단 및 치료제개발

최근 연구업적


2021 Mesenchymal stromal cells derived tailored exosomes treat bacteria associated diabetes foot ulcers: A customized approach from bench to bed.


2021 Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes exhibit promising potential for treating SARS-CoV-2-infected patients.

2021 Prospective Role of N-Acetyl-5-Methoxytryptamine and 5-Hydroxytryptophan in β-Cell Health and Improved Insulin Sensitivity in Hyperglycemia



2020 Newer treatment horizons of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: From bench to bed side.

2019 CRISPR/Cas9 Edited sRAGE-MSCs protect neuronal death in Parkinson's disease model.

2017 Advanced glycation end-products produced systemically and by macrophages: A common contributor to inflammation and degenerative diseases.

2016 Intravenously infused F3.Oligs improves memory deficits via restoring myelination in the aged hippocampus following experimental ischemic stroke.
2014 BDNF expression of macrophages and angiogenesis after myocardial infarction -
2014 3D Texture Analysis in Renal Cell Carcinoma Tissue Image Grading -
2013 Changes of calcium binding proteins, c-Fos and COX in hippocampal formation and cerebellum of Niemann-Pick, type C mouse -
2013 Caffeine-induced endothelial cell death and the inhibition of angiogenesis -
2012 Activated microglial cells synthesize and secrete AGE-albumin -
2012 Recovery of CNS Pathway Innervating the Sciatic Nerve Following Transplantation of Human Neural Stem Cells in Rat Spinal Cord Injury -


2016 Anatomy: A photographic atlas <군자출판사>
2014 기초조직학 - <범문에듀케이션>
2013 (무어) 임상해부학 - <바이오사이언스출판>
2010 사람몸의 구조와 기능 - <고문사>
2006 그랜트 핵심해부학실습서 - <범문사>

2014 BNDF expression of macrophages and angiogenesis after myocardial infarction - <2014 가천의과학심포지움>
2014 BDNF expression of macrophages and angiogenesis after myocardial infarction - < 혈관학회 창립학술대회>
2014 AGE-albumin from activated macrophage is critical in human BD-MSC survival and post-ischemic reperfusion injury - <제 64회 대한해부학회>
2013 Human BDMSCs induces new vessel formation in CLI of high fat diet feeding mouse - <제9차 한국줄기세포학회>
2013 Mesenchymal stem cell induces new vessel formation and protects limb loss in thrombosis induced critical limb ischemia - <한국줄기세포학회>
2013 Transplantation of BDNF-secreting mesenchymal stem cells promotes angiogenesis and attenuates ventricular remodeling after ischemia reperfusion injury in rat - <제 63회 대한해부학회>