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참여교수 및 연구

  • 참여교수 및 연구
  • 참여교수 개별소개

참여교수 개별소개

김재홍 (Jaehong Kim), M.D., Ph.D.

  •  ■ 소개

    전립선암은 이미서구사회에서는 암사망률의 2위를 차지하는 주요 암종이며, 우리나라에서도 유병률과 사망률이 급격히 증가하는 암종입니다. 본 전립선암 제어기술 연구실에서는 전립선암환자의 제1 사망 원인인 거세저항성의 출현기전 및 극복에 대한 기초연구를 중심으로, 다양한 다학제 연구를 시도하고 있습니다. 저희 연구에 관심있으신 분들의 문의 및 참여를 언제나 환영합니다.


    Currently, there is no effective cure for the metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer. We investigate CCM regulation of YAP/TAZ signaling, responsible both for the castration resistance and also metastatic hallmarks in prostate cancer. Importantly, we found that CCM expression is uniquely increased in advanced stage of prostate cancer and inversely correlates with metastasis free survival and overall survival of human prostate cancer patients. CCM is becoming a central regulator of prostate cancer progression, providing a new rationale for therapeutic CCM targeting in prostate cancer patients. Additionally, vascular integrity is important for the control of sepsis and metastasis. In our lab, various small molecules are investigated with regard to their effects on vascular functions. 


    ■ 키워드

     Castration resistant prostate cancer, Cerebal cavernous malformation, Androgen receptor signaling, YAP/TAZ signaling, Vascular integrity

  •   주요 연구업적 (2016-현재)  


    * Current total citations of our publications published between 2016 and 2022 are over '1100'.

    ** 가천대학교 우수교원 백서 등재 (2019년), Listed in the white book of excellent faculties in Gachon University (2019).

    *** Google Scholar Glance: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=arZypBQAAAAJ


    Outcomes of prostate cancer patients after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy compared with open radical prostatectomy in Korea, Scientific Reports, 13:7851 (2023)  

    Complexities of Prostate Cancer. Int. J. Nol. Sci 23(22):14257 (2022)  


    Cerebral cavernous malformation 1 determines YAP/TAZ signaling-dependent metastatic hallmarks of prostate cancer cells. Cancers, 13(5):1125 (2021)  


    Biapenem reduces sepsis mortality via barrier protective pathways against HMGB1-mediated septic responses. Pharmacological Reports (2021)

    Fisetin Suppresses Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses from HO-1 Mediated Downregulation of iNOS. Journal of Medicinal Food (2020)


    Beyond lipid signaling: Pleiotropic effects of diacylglycerol kinases in cellular signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2020)


    Novel factor Xa inhibitor, maslinic acid, with anti-platelet aggregation activity. Journal of Cellular Physiology235:9445–9456 (2020) 


    Emerging role of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in cancer progression. BMB Reports, 53(3):125-132 (2020) 


    Maslinic acid ameliorates inflammation via the downregulation of NF-κB and STAT-1. Antioxidants, 9(2):106 (2020)  

    Inhibitory functions of maslinic acid on particulate matter-induced lung injury through TLR4-mTOR-autophagy pathways. Environmental Research, 183:109230 (2020)  


    Mitochondrial Retrograde Signalling and Metabolic Alterations in the Tumour Microenvironment. Cells, 8(3):275 (2019)  


    Regulation of Immune Cell Functions by Metabolic Reprogramming. Journal of Immunology Research, 2018:8605471 (2018)

    Metabolic Regulation of Macrophages in Tumor Microenvironment. Current Opinion in Hematology, 25(1):52-59 (2018)

    Testican-1, as a novel diagnosis of sepsis. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 119(5):4216-4223 (2018)

    ROS homeostasis and metabolism: a critical liaison for cancer therapy. Experimental and Molecular Medicine, 48(11):e269 (2016)  

    Introduction to Cerebral Cavernous Malformation: a brief review. BMB Reports, 49(5):255-262 (2016)

    Tumor associated macrophages and neutrophils in tumor microenvironment. Mediators of Inflammation, 2016:6058147 (2016)

    Anti-septic effects of dabrafenib on HMGB1-mediated inflammatory responses. BMB Reports, 49(4):214-219 (2016)

    8 patents issued in the field of diagnosis and therapy of prostate cancer.  전립선암 진단 및 치료 관련 8건 특허 등록 (#10-1801829, #10-1820770, #10-1820771, #10-1847383, #10-1876197, #10-1878706, #10-1895423, #10-1921525)


      언론 보도


    메디게이트 뉴스 (2022.10.6.) [신간] 건강의 비용


    전자신문 (2022.11.17.) 환자를 지키는 정보통신기술의 미래


    방송대 지식+ 채널 (2022.12.11.) 환자가 우선이 되는 나라. 병원도 이제는 바뀌어야 한다.


    메디게이트 뉴스 (2023.5.24.) 값비싼 로봇수술, 전립선암 환자에게 충분한 효과가 있을까


    한국경제 (2023.5.30.) 값비싼 전립선암 로봇수술, 생존율 향상 효과 '미미


    헬스경향 (2023.6.29.) 값도 비싼데전립선암 로봇수술 꼭 해야하나





    건강의 비용: 다가올 의료 대혁신에 대비하는 통찰, 파지트 출판사 (2022)


    한-중앙아 보건의료 협력 전략방안 수립 연구, 한국보건산업진흥원 (2018)


    병원 산업 발전과 의료 혁신을 위한 색다른 미시적 전략: 병원 내 연구역량의 관리 (2018)

    SK 하이닉스 중국병원 건립의 차별화 전략 연구 (2017)

  • 무제 6.jpg
    Current project 1: Calcium channel responses in prostate cancer cells. 
    Several studies have demonstrated that TRP channels control multiple aspects of cancer progression at all stages and modulate Ca2+ regulated pathways such as cell proliferation and survival, migration and angiogenesis. We work on identifying regulatory mechanisms of TRP channels involved in prostate cancer progression. 

    Current project 2: CCM1 mediated regulation of prostate cancer progression.
    We are devising methods to regulate cerebral cavernous malformation signaling to slow down the metastatic progression of prostate cancer cells.



    무제 2.jpg
    Current project 3: Regulation of vascular integrity in inflammatory conditions. Vascular integrity is important for the control of sepsis and metastasis. We test various novel reagents for their effects on vascular integrity. Figures are borrowed from J Clin Med 2018, 7(11), 400. 

